Do you ever feel empty and wonder why you even bother with the days? Perhaps they feel the same or that there’s little purpose? Are you living someone else’s dreams and constantly pleasing others? Sadly, many of us live in this fog-like state where we just stumble through life without really knowing why or how. Of course life is a whirlwind of emotions and the ups and downs are simply a part of it but you can learn to love life if you choose to.
Connecting to Inner Desire
There are so many words and phrases to mean motivation that all have different nuances. Unfortunately, we often confuse internal and external motivation because most of us have been taught to value external things. We look for validation in others whereas it’s more powerful and fulfilling to find inner validation. This is when I would normally talk about purpose and values but there’s also something else. There’s something about finding awe in life. It’s actually a skill that we can learn and develop if we want to.
Experiencing Awe in Everyday Life
Many of us throw around the word ‘awesome’ these days. What if you stop for a second and think about the word ‘awe’ and the feelings that come with it? Have you ever felt inspired by a sunset or a mountain top view? When we focus on something bigger than ourselves and feel swept away by it in a flow of positive emotions and awe then we create feelings of connectivity and positivity.
Our minds are incredible things but the huge downfall is that they are designed to focus on us. We get lost in our thoughts and we believe that everything revolves around us. On the other hand, experiencing awe gives us a break away from this, even if only for a minute. In fact, research now shows that feeling awe on a frequent basis supports our overall wellbeing. It is possible to cultivate this and learn to love life.
How Can we Create More Feelings of Awe?
1- Notice the small things … and the cute ones
Nature is probably the most obvious awe-inspiring place but what about the little things around you? It can be that tiny leaf that’s made it through a cracked pavement or even those popular videos of dogs and kittens online? There’s a reason people watch those. Even humans can be awe-inspiring though in how they create art or even do small acts of kindness for strangers. Keep your eyes open as you go about your day and let yourself be surprised.
2- Slow down and get to know your mind
What’s stopping you from stepping out of your own story? How can you be more open-minded and ask more questions? What fears are preventing you from starting a new hobby or taking a walk? Sometimes the act of doing something is enough to get us motivated to change our habits. The more you slow down, try new things and get out of your comfort zone then the more likely you’ll amaze yourself at what life can offer, even with its ups and downs. And gratitude is the first step to being awe-inspired.
3- Find your energy flow … and your senses
If we don’t use our senses then we won’t notice what fills us with awe. Then again, we all have a natural flow of energy throughout the day. If you’re not a morning person then don’t try new things in the morning but perhaps listen to some music to stimulate some dopamine in your brain. This reward-inducing hormone gives a boost to your emotional and cognitive states and generally makes you feel happier. You’re then more likely to notice the awesome-ness of the little things.
Learn to Love Life
Our minds are a beautiful concoction of habits. Clearly it’s easier to stay on a well-trodden path and not find new connections within our minds. Then again, that’s choosing the path of suffering. No one can avoid pain but you can choose how you react and live with it, however difficult that can be at times. Even 10 minutes a day of looking for awe-inspiring things around you can make a difference to how you approach life. Be patient with yourself and watch as your mind starts seeing things differently, with time and practice. Just like a new puppy or kitten learning to walk, you’ll stumble through the tough moments but it’ll be worth it in the end.