Monthly Archives: May 2020

Why is Spirituality Important?

A useful metaphor came to mind when I was pondering why spirituality was important for me. Imagine being on a long, arduous journey. You’ve been following a difficult map with...

Why Clues to Happiness?

Ever had that “a-ha” moment? Ever thought, oh wow, I suddenly get it? Everything just clicks. It doesn’t matter what it is – it could be anything from finally understanding...

Boarding School – a Curse or a Privilege?

As I watched my parents driving away into a dark, cold October night, the helplessness and anguish that I felt in the pit of my stomach is beyond words. Anyone...

Meeting your new reality with Curiosity and Openness

Have you ever stood on one of those sand hills when it started shifting? You feel that sudden lurch in your stomach when you realise you’ve lost your grip and...

Is Work My Identity? And Finding my True Purpose and Self

Imagine being told that you’re going to wear one coat and one coat only for the rest of your life. You have to choose carefully because you can’t change it...