As I was tipping my vitamin C pill from the pot into my hand the other morning, I wondered why on earth it has to be so big. It tends to get stuck in my throat which is pretty unpleasant. And, perfect timing, that same morning I read this article from the company Ivee about biohacking. Ivee is a start up company in New York who is leading the biohacking wave and allowing at-home IV treatments of important nutrients and supplements. I’ve been thinking about how biohacking fits into self-care for a while and I was curious about the benefits. And what a bonus if I can avoid gagging every morning just to get my vitamin C!
What is Self-Care
With self-care now a popular word, most of us know that it’s about ensuring we are physically and mentally healthy and balanced. However, many of us don’t really know how to go about it. We are all different and what might work for someone might not work for someone else. Would you not get help with a coach or a therapist to help you sort through your thoughts? Or perhaps with a trainer to get you physically fit? So why not with a nutritionist or doctor? And then you’ll find out how biohacking can become part of your self-care routine.
What Does Your Data Tell You?
I’m no nutritionist and yet I assume that what I eat should be fine for my body because I love my vegetables. I took my dogs to the vet a few days ago for a blood test. I wanted to check that their supplements are still working properly, which they are. However, I suddenly realised that I only do blood test checks every few years and yet I get one twice a year for my dogs. I have some idea what supplements and nutrition my body needs but I know exactly what my dogs need. And yet, my body reminded me recently that I do have mild anaemia and I shouldn’t forget. I’m back on my iron supplements and I feel human again. Â
What does your blood data tell you? When was the last time you had a blood test?
Why don’t we stop and pause and think about what our bodies need? Many of us forget self-care and we just push on through assuming that we’ll be fine. But one day, something will break. There are so many articles out there debating the pros and cons of supplements but why not test the theory on yourself? Go to the doctor and get the data on your body so you know what works for you. Wouldn’t it be great to stop feeling tired all the time? Wouldn’t it be great to be strong and focused? And healthy? Don’t wait until it’s too late and you have to play catch up… it gets harder to get all our nutrients with age.
And a company like Ivee actually makes the next step easy to give you all the benefits of supplements. Biohacking can be part of self-care. In fact, we’ve been doing biohacking for a while with our supplement pills. But it’s more effective if the supplements go straight into your blood stream rather than through your stomach first.
Benefits of Supplements
1- Your Body Needs Help
Of course we all wish we could eat fresh food straight from a farm. But let’s face it, many of us live in cities with fast-paced jobs and schedules. The quality of food is increasing thanks to better awareness around health. However, it’s not always easy to get everything we need. Also, many of us have underlying issues, for example, my anaemia and the fact that I physically can’t get enough iron from food.
2- Delays Ageing
As Dr. Rick Hanson states in his book, Buddha’s brain, taking the right supplements can make huge leaps in improving your well-being. He talks about vitamin Bs and omega 3 fatty acids being key for reducing the onset of dementia. I also appreciate that he accepts that many of us not only don’t acquire fresh food all the time but we also don’t prepare it. I don’t know about you but I’m definitely not a cook.
3- Supports Sleep and Exercise
I thought it worth noting that this all works with the right amount of sleep and exercise. Supplements help us sleep and allow us to create the energy we need for exercise. On the flip side, the benefits of supplements are amplified with sleep and exercise. It’s all linked. I know it’s not easy to get the right amount of sleep, nor is it easy to motivate ourselves to exercise. But it all starts with small steps and being kind to yourself. So consider biohacking as part of your self-care routine … you might be pleasantly surprised.
And now, as I glance over at my dog who is already fast sleep at 9pm whilst the other one went to bed an hour ago, I realise that they’re right. Let’s slow down, pause, be kind to ourselves and at least start with some proper self-care.