Why Coaching?
Why Coaching? Do you feel stuck in life? Do you feel restless but can’t think why? Are you still looking for your life purpose? Do you feel lonely in your work choices? Are you transitioning into a new job / country? Are you wondering if it’s really worth it?
Coaching has become a bit of a buzzword and some of you out there might also relate to the thought that “I don’t need anyone”, “I know what I’m doing”. Whilst that might be true, it’s important to remember that a coach is not there to give the answers. A good coach only provides questions and guidance so that people find their own solutions which is why coaching is so powerful. It’s not an answer, but a solution.
Also, all those questions above are big life changing things to ask oneself and whilst many cultures frown upon asking for help, it is in fact the braver and more open-minded thing to do as you try to evolve you way of thinking. Why coaching works is because it allows people to find their own way of working towards their goals, and answering some of those questions. It is about helping people find and leverage their own individual potential. In the same way that a travel coach takes someone on a journey to a goal, a personal coach guides someone through their own self-discovery to reach their goals.
Making Decisions More Easily
Don’t you find it frustrating when you can’t make a decision on a life choice? Your logic is essentially fighting your heart or you’re experiencing cognitive dissonance in psychology parlance. When our actions are in conflict with our beliefs or values then we become very restless, uncomfortable and generally miserable. Coaching can help make that inner connection such that we stop fighting what we should be, or been told to be, and become our true self and therefore find our path and purpose in life.
Finding Your Path
I’ve had several coaches over the years and they have had different styles and therefore helped me in different ways. However, all of them helped me understand my blind spots and how to find out what I truly wanted to be, not what society or my parents or other influence tried to make me become. I feel like a completely different person but for the first time in my life, I can now hear my own voice in my head, not society’s or anybody else’s. My decisions are now truly mine and I now know what I want to do with my life which is the greatest gift anyone can ask for. Of course I’m still working on this and I’ll share my story over time…
Please contact me for support or questions and look out for blog posts on coaching tips and stories.