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Track your Mood for Greater Happiness

“Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit...

Get Better at Saying No

This week I had to remind an overbearing family member that I have my boundaries and no, I can’t be at her beck and call. Even as I said it...

Get to Know your Mind and Maximise your Potential 

Does the idea of sitting quietly on your own terrify you? Perhaps it just sounds like a stupid thing to do? Then again, do you get bored easily and are...

Decrease Anger with these 3 Tips to Manage one of your Biases

As I felt myself get increasingly frustrated with yet another driver doing strange zig zags in front of me, I wondered at my frustration. Was I simply annoyed by what...

Why Some Relationships Bring Out the Worst in You and How to Change

“Human beings are creations more profound than human beings can fathom.” What a wonderful phrase, taken from Niall Williams’s book : This is Happiness. That phrase actually came at the...

Emotions and Some Happy Images

Sometimes we need a break from words and images can set moods better than anything we can say. So, try to forget everything for one short moment and see if...